Nein, steck keine Bohnen in die Ohren

2017-05-12T16:29:51+02:00Mai 5th, 2017|

sondern lausche Gus Backus. "Bohnen in die Ohr'n" war 1965 sein letzter großer Hit, bevor er aus dem Showgeschäft ausstieg. Der gebürtige US-Amerikaner war Ende der 1950er als Soldat nach Deutschland gekommen [...]


2015-11-16T16:26:51+01:00Mai 27th, 2013|

Southeast Asia in Beans.   On my journey through Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia and Indonesia, I spotted several species of beans, I hadn't seen before. One of them is "jering" (Archidendron pauciflorum), also called "luk-nieng" in [...]

Undercover Pea

2015-11-19T10:39:11+01:00Januar 27th, 2013|

Pea = Pasta Pulses are sneaking increasingly undercovered around! Pasta, cookies and snack bars are about to be taken over by.... pea flour;  bread, ice cream and even chocolate by lupines. And the [...]

Chili Sin Carne

2015-11-19T10:35:27+01:00Januar 23rd, 2013|

A reminiscence to all teen parties in my life... Next to the pasta-salad (with lots of mayonnaise) and the real smashing hit then, sausages baked in bread, a Chili con Carne-version was never missing. Quite [...]

Galette des Rois

2015-11-16T16:28:42+01:00Januar 13th, 2013|

My first Galette des Rois Much easier to make and much tastier than I thought! A must on the Bean King/Queen Day!!! Viel einfacher und leckerer als ich anfangs dachte! Ein Muss am [...]

Let’s strip off!

2015-11-16T16:22:42+01:00Dezember 13th, 2012|

And see what's behind! Welcome to BEAN BEAT: The home of beans, peas and lentils starts now to grow... Stay hungry!


2015-11-19T10:12:28+01:00Dezember 10th, 2012|

Eating tempeh for the first time is like listening to a song with a sound you haven't heard before - and you are unsure if you like it. Its unique taste makes it so incomparable [...]

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