Pulses are sneaking increasingly undercovered around!
Pasta, cookies and snack bars are about to be taken over by…. pea flour; bread, ice cream and even chocolate by lupines. And the prospects are quite promising: The protein of eg. the lupine seed is an interesting substitute for animal protein sources (like eggs and milk), when a lactose intolerance or high cholesterol is present.
At this years International Green Week Berlin, the world’s biggest fair for food and agriculture, the food chemistry institute of the University of Hamburg offered some covert food samples made with pea flour in comparison to wheat flour. As I found out, my favourites actually were all pea flour products…
This product development on legumes (= beans/peas/lupines) is part of a campaign by the German Federal Government for the enhancement of protein crops in Germany. Legumes are of special interest because of their unique particularity: They fix nitrogen from the air through rhizobia into the root zone and fertilize the soil. This allows a significant reduction of artificial fertilizer and greenhouse gas emissions, accompanied with the protection of soil and water.
An increased domestic cultivation of legumes could play a key role for a modern and sustainable agri-food sector. Besides the benefits for human nutrition, livestock feed would be more independant from imported soy meals, and the biodiversity in agricultural landscapes enhanced. The only problem so far: The cultivation of legumes does not seem to be profitable enough. Its research and development costs are too high in relation to the market’s capacity to generate returns….
Hi, this is IGV answering. We at Potsdam developed the pasta from pea flour. For bringing the product into the market we would like to know, if it is very important for most of consumers that the new pea-pasta will be absolutely free from traces of gluten or is it o.k. when it is made without gluten containing ingredients?
I am pleased to hear from you! Your pea-products are really delicious! On the 21th of June, I will give a presentation on pulses at the igs in Hamburg. A survey on gluten might be possible there. Would this be of any interest for you?
Hallo zusammen,
jetzt habe ich mich gefreut, eine reine Bohnenseite gefunden zu haben. Ich habe mich direkt auf die Suche auf nette neue Rezepte gemacht.
Leider sind es englische Rezepte, warum?
Liebe Grüße
Andreas Willmann
Lieber Andreas,
vielen herzlichen Dank für Deine Nachricht. Tatsächlich war die Seite anfangs komplett auf Englisch, denn zum damaligen Zeitpunkt hat sich in Deutschland niemand wirklich für Hülsenfrüchte interessiert und der internationale Austausch zwischen Hülsenfrüchte-Fans war sehr ermutigend. Inzwischen – seit ungefähr acht Jahren – gibt es nur noch Beiträge auf Deutsch. Es kann aber sein, dass sich noch ein paar, ältere Rezepte finden lassen. Ich schau demnächst mal nach, welche es sind und werde sie dann auch ins Deutsche übersetzen.
Alles Liebe & viel Freude beim Kochen
wünscht Cecilia